Sunday, January 13, 2008

Coruña, Torre de Hercules, and some pretty big waves.

Over our Christmas break from schools, we spent one afternoon at one of our favorite scenic spots here in Coruña. It was dusk, and the waves were really big on a mostly overcast day. The evening produced some really fun pictures I wanted to share. If you read Faith's blog you've already seen at least a few (if not all) of these. I like these pictures not only because of the memories they bring up for me, but because they also show that Galicia retains a sense of beauty even on the grey, windy, and cold days. I don't know if I ever thought that of most places I've lived before.
I love this picture above, because it really gives you a good idea of the force with which these big waves were hitting the rocky coast. Those two guys you see standing in front of the big sculpure were probably 15 feet above the place where the waves hit. It was pretty awesome in the true definition of the word.
This picture is a little grainy, but I love the subtle coloring of the dusk sky against the dark green grass, with the well lit lighthouse at the center of it all.
This picture gives you a little more perspective of the point that the lighthouse is on.

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