Sunday, September 16, 2007

Our Story: Hostels, Spain, and Vision

Our friend Andy Burns helped us put this 7 minute video together (with the help of some footage lent to us by our friends who ran Cafe Terra Nova). It was designed to help us raise support, but does a good job explaining our history and vision in a relatively short time.

It is a bit dated in that the team from Santiago has sold their cafe and returned to the US to continue ministry. We still are planning on opening a hostel in Santiago, but are spending the first years in Spain in La Coruna as we learn the language and enter into the Spanish culture.

This video can also be found on YouTube here.

Fun fact: The footage of Faith and I was filmed in Woodstock, IL, where Groundhog Day was filmed.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Que tal?

This is one of the uber-basic Spanish phrases I have already picked up. I don't even know the literal translation, but it's essentially saying 'what's up' as a greeting. I've even toyed with delivering it 'wassaaaaaaap' style, complete with extended tongue.

Another word I hear a lot is claro. It is an indication that the listener understands. To me it seems that it is used most often when things are anything but 'clear.'

One of the things that I have observed in my first week here is that no business or system seems to be simple and clear. This is of course in relation to the veritable sea of bureaucracy and red tape that we have already navigated to find an apartment, open a bank account, register the kids for school, and register our residency. Maybe it's because I'm 'fresh off the boat', and each experience is brand new. Maybe it's because the Spaniards have had centuries to develop these intricate layers of bureaucracy.

It's actually not been that bad though. We have had LOADS of great help from a number of people here. Our red tape has certainly been confusing at times, but with help, both human and sovereign, it has gone much smoother than we expected. God is most definitely good.