Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I was studying for my final exam for my first semester of Spanish (Found out today I passed!), and in frustration, while looking at a verb chart, I decided to count how many different conjugations of one verb there can actually be. Now, not being the grammer-type in English, I honestly have no idea how it compares. But I do know, that as a novice student of Spanish, it gets pretty frustrating trying to learn not only what a word means, but how to use it.

But on to the money part of this post: obedecer is translated to English as 'obey'. There are 106 ways to use the verb obey according to the verb chart. 106!! Here is the link in case you doubt me. Count them if you dare. Never mind that most of them look very similar - if you say it wrong, everyone knows it. Most people will correct you, and most of them will do it nicely. And when you hear one of those forms, you know (if you are lucky) what verb is being used, but are not always real clear on what that particular form specifically means.

May you in some small way experience the joy of learning a new language through this post.

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