Sunday, December 23, 2007

Feliz Navidad!

Merry Christmas to all! I am so sorry it has been SO long since I blogged last. My unfamiliar path was a bit busy and crowded this month. It was hard to come by time to blog. Faith just posted tonight (again - she's been much more consistent about blogging over the last month - if you havn't checked her blog out lately, click here.)

At any rate, the entire family enjoyed a bit of Christmas Spanish style on Friday. First, Brennan had a teatro Friday morning. Faith and I crammed ourselves into a small hot auditorium to watch each class from Brennan's school contribute to a show. I fully intended to film Brennan's class and post it here for all to enjoy - but my camerawork was so awful, I will not impose it on anyone. Brennan, as always, was very cute about it all. He had to memorize four lines in Spanish that he recited with a group from his class. He is doing very well now learning Spanish.

On Friday afternoon Ryan's school had a Christmas party complete with lots of candy, presents, and a short kid-friendly program. Head to Faith's blogs to see pictures of the candy. While they do have "Papa Noel" here (Santa Clause) he is really no big deal. The guys that the kids in Spain get pumped about are the Reyes Magos - The guys we call 'The Three Kings' back home. Most presents here are exchanged on January 6 - The day of the Kings (Dia de Reyes). This is the day they celebrate the Magi coming to bring their gifts to the baby Jesus. Turns out it is pretty efficient - at least it was at Ryan's party. With three guys all dressed up handing out gifts, Ryan's entire school had received their gifts in a manner of minutes. All in all, it was a fun experience. I've included two photos of Ryan with 'his' king.


Unknown said...

Hey Nate (and Faith)...Thanks for keeping us up to speed on life in Spain. I loved the three kings pictures with Brennan. What made the past month so busy? How is the ministry going? All is great here. Daniel is motoring about and thinking about talking. Peace,


Unknown said...

BTW: I'm STILL laughing from the human tetris video!


Nate Walter said...

Hey Pete, not sure if you'll look here for a response, but I'll give it a try!

December was full of many things: I ramped up my studies for my Spanish class as I prepared for my first test. There was a lot of Christmas shopping to be done. In the midst of all that, our shipment from the states FINALLY arrived! 40 boxes, and all 2 months late. So we are still sorting through that stuff. We had holiday parties for the kids schools. I am still working on homework for IT. I dunno - it doesn't look like much to write it out. But I suppose it's part of the transition to living in a new culture that even simple tasks are more tiring and time consuming that you expect it to be. In addition, I find that blogging is low on my list of daily priorities. So it is easily bumped. I'm gonna try and make up for it the rest of the break. Ministry - is random at best. Difficult to think too much of ministry without passable language skills. Faith is making some good connections with other women outside of the church. We continue to plan and pray, and wait on the Lord for each step towards Santiago. We are enjoying your recent copious blogging. Keep it up!
