Friday, October 26, 2007

Donde está mi mente?

I have finished one week of language school. (Notice the significant decrease in posts in the last five days.) I also started school 2 weeks late. So, I find myself asking myself (reflexive what?) the question posted above. Only I ask it in english, as I do not yet think in spanish.

Where is my mind? I have taken in so much information my mind is on complete overload. I think even my english is worse than it was 5 days ago. Some of the most consistent thoughts I've had this week as I study would probably go something like this: "I recognize that... I should know what it means. I can't remember. Where's my dictionary? Oh yeah." I am continually looking up simple things over and over. I guess brutal repetition is the best way to learn. I know I am learning, but it feels like I am taking in so much information that none of it is sticking. If I knew the spanish phrase for in one ear, and out the other, it would most definitely be appropriate.

The good news is this: I expected it, and am not discouraged. I get frustrated with it at times, but not discouraged. This is the road to learning it. I hold onto the long-term goal of becoming more conversational by the end of the semester, and even more so by the end of the year.


Megs said...

Buen Trabajo!

Keep up with it. Be encouraged!

Matthew Reed said...

"te entra por un lado y te sale por el otro" - that's how you say it in Spanish.

Nice to see ya plowin' along.