Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Voter's Agony

Hi. My name is Nate, and I have Voter's Agony.

This is my first election living abroad, which means I have less time to procrastinate making my decision because we have to get our absentee ballots returned soon. I payed more close attention to each party national convention than I ever have before. Just now I spent the last hour or so online trying to find anything to help me find clarity on this election. It seems to me that this is such a polarized election that I must be one of the few who genuinely am not sure what to do. More than anything, this is due to the fact that I am growing increasingly weary with, and wary of, both political parties, and I really don't expect much significant change from either candidate, regardless of what they say and promise now. In the end, each ends up being the tool of their party - which leads me to believe nothing will change. One party will be in control, and blamed for everything under the sun by the party out of control. The party that is out of control will promise the moon, and besides, anyone could do a better job of governing than the current party. It's as predictable as it seems useless.

I was struck by some various web pages designed to 'help' the undecided voter and how everything is defined in terms of 'positions'. Who you vote for should be based on what position you have on various issues, and you should vote for the guy who has the most similar stances. Or something like that. Anyhow - this is what irks me - why does it come down to positions? What ever happened to ideas? No matter how much either candidate tries to present himself as an agent of change, or a maverick, all I see is the same old tired republican vs. democrat battle. It sure seems to me that anymore, candidates decide what positions to take on an issue based on their party, or even worse, because it's opposite of what the other party is for. It seems to me there is far too little room for nuanced thinking, and truly new ideas. I think we as a nation face a host of very serious issues that threaten us. But I can't possibly believe that they all will be solved with either/or solutions.

Anyhow - I guess this is more rant than thoughtful post, but clearly I am concerned about the future of our country, and I am none too confident in either party right now to make much significant change. If anything, let this be a reminder for us all to take this freedom seriously, to pray hard over our decisions, and pray even harder for whoever happens to win, because regardless of who wins, we have a mountain of serious problems to address.


Megs said...

Nate, the thing I remind myself with constantly is that it is God who sets up kings and deposes them (Daniel 2). We can have a tremendous hope in the long term that as we pray, He will come and heal our land. As believers and those who are praying that the kingdom would be ushered in, we don't have to be frantic in the voting process that we might pick the wrong one or that change won't come. God is sovereign.

Please don't think me callous and unaware of the election. I'm the first one among my friends to discuss it, haven't missed a debate, and perhaps the only one to have cared to participate with an absentee ballot in the past. However, I realize my hope is not in an elected official but in God Himself. And ultimately, my prayers for this blessed nation and her leaders lends more responsibility and action than my vote (not that I'm not voting!). Be encouraged-- God is faithful.

Asian Jabber said...

I AGREE!!!!!!!! I have the same agony because no matter who we choose, the people in any place of power are, after all, HUMANS... Prayer is needed indeed!