I ran across this blog entitled Stuff White People Like, and it had me snickering. Here is a short snippet from #11: Asian Girls.
"95% of white males have at one point in their lives, experienced yellow fever. Many factors have contributed to this phenomenon such as guilt from head taxes, internment camps, dropping the Nuclear bomb and the Viet Nam War . This exchange works both ways as asian girls have a tendency to go for white guys. (White girls never go for asian guys. Bruce Lee and Paul Kariya’s dad are the only recorded instances in modern history). Asian girls often to do this to get back at their strict traditional fathers. There is also the option of dating black guys, but they know deep down that this would give their non-english speaking grandmother(s) a heart attack."
Faith and I found that particular 'thing' (they have 81 and counting so far) pretty amusing. Of the posts I've read so far, my personal favorites are: Graduate School, Multilingual Children, Study Abroad, and Standing Still at Concerts.
It's good to not take yourself (or others) too seriously.
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